Friday, October 22, 2010

Seeing someone else become an atheist.

Many people can remember the point in time when they suddenly where no longer a believer, that moment when everything becomes clear, when hours of prayer, hymns and being told Jesus loves you finally no longer holds.

Some describe it as like finally getting a joke everyone else already knew the answer too, the penny drops. But it’s like that but to the power of a thousand. You almost want to stand up and yell “Eureka”.

But it is different for everyone. I clearly remember the moment I knew the truth, and that is why I say to people once an atheist, you can not go back.

The reason for today’s blog, is that last week I got too see that look in another person. It was an honour. We were sitting round, and we were talking about religion and gods and stuff and upbringings, there was one particularly religious person who has just found out I am an atheist, an openly one at that. One of the younger members, early twenties, similar background to me, asked what kind of atheist I was. I was not certain what she meant, so I simply said, “I do not believe in an afterlife, I do not believe in a god, that a god is watching over us, or that we are all born sinners etc… As I was saying this the penny dropped for her, I was saying what she already thought, but had not put it together quite like that before.

She smiled and said something to confirm my suspicion, it was quite moving. She also felt in company, it’s still a bit scorned at for being an atheist in New Zealand, so to realise she was not alone was a nice thought. She is not alone, I have discovered many at work are atheists but don’t say anything. The Christians on the other hand are loud and annoying. But until that point she did not know. And then she knew, she saw clearly. She found someone who felt the same as her and was not afraid to say it, and it was what she felt, and it was Atheism.

It made what had been a crap week, a great week.

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