One of the things many atheists talk about, and I am sure I have mentioned it myself, is the way a theist believes that if they ignore what you said then it will go away. Well it does not.
They believe that if they say something then that’s it. Like for example I am currently debating a Christian who gets grumpy when ever I mention science, he keeps telling me that religion and science are compatible and showing what science has done does not mean anything.
My reasoning is this: If god did make everything, and he loves us so much, why do we have illness like cancer, mumps, scarlet fever etc….
Now to my reckoning many cancers are now curable and treatable, not because of prayer, not because of miracles, but because of medical science.
Our life expectancy has doubled, not because we attend church, but because we go to a doctor when we are unwell. I have been very ill in the past (actually several times), I now take regular medication to treat my illness, so that I can have quality of life. If I had got this 100 years ago, I would have had a very different outcome. I may not have died, but my quality of life would be dismal. A 1000 years ago, I dare not imagine.
If we had had the treatment just 60 years ago that we have today, both my grand fathers would have lived long enough for me to meet them.
I know my “If god loves us why do bad things happen” is a very simplistic argument for no god, and is even raised by the youngest of children, but it is a bloody good one. I have heard many many reasons as to why god does this, but I am afraid they are all mental answers. Cop outs, quick excuses that are meaningless. Convenient passages in the bible. Lots of those.
Science and reasoned investigation has given us the quality of life many of us enjoy. The most religious countries are the ones that have more disease, poor quality of life, lack of education and a lot of corruption.
I know I am not the first to say any of this, many others have and will continue too, lets hope that one day the religious listen, and realise there simply is no god, we are all alone, there is no after life, this is the only life you get, and thanks to science and geographic location, it’s now twice as long as your great, great, great, great grand uncles and aunties.
Another rant over, I feel better.
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