Monday, May 2, 2011

"USA, One Nation Under God"

I saw the news tonight with Barack Obama's speech re Osama bin Laden. While on one hand, yes, it's a good thing they have stopped this nut. But then to go and invoke the Christian God thing, has that not totally bought into Osama bin Laden's Jihad?

My stomach sank when I saw this, I am sure I could hear Matt Dillahunty swear from here in Auckland New Zealand. The McCarthy era nuts have a lot to answer for, but it is time for America to grow up and get rid of God from their nation, the way the founding fathers wanted it. Or is it the fact an election is coming up, and it's an easy voter winner for Barack?

I thought it was great the way he avoided the Christian thing when in Turkey a few years back, but to now do this, was a huge mistake. All I could say was "what a wanker".

While what I think means nothing, my opinion of Barack Obama has plummeted.

1 comment:

  1. I cringe every time he uses one of those pandering phrases. It happens far too often.

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