Friday, September 24, 2010

Random Thoughts

Ok, I need to write something, not sure what. So, I am just going to hit keys and see what comes out.

I have been an atheist for about three, maybe four years now. Lately the more interesting thing I have noticed is how "Church Aware" I have become. IF anyone being interviewed on the radio or tv or in a Mag happens to mention Religion, I notice fast. I am sure I notice now more than I used too, that, or people really are talking about it more.

In the last 6 months since being on You Tube I have had the pleasure to enter into debate with several Christians. Some, just out right block the moment you say something they don't like, or more likely something that shows what a load of crap they are spewing.

It has been quite and education in debating, you really do need to be careful what you say. It seems that while most are happy to make wild assertions about who/what did this or that, and that no the bible does not really mean that, you are taking i out of context, the moment you say anything, unless you have fully verified what you said with at least 30 links and/or books references there is no way you can have a point. So, you really do need to say weather you are putting across an opinion or something you know as a fact.

Facts are another great thing, to some, if it is in the bible it's a fact. I mean how dumb is that. Is it not that obvious if someone is making it clear that they are an atheist then there is little point in quoting the bible, because, for me anyway, the bible is really just garbage, and hard to believe anyone actually reads it, let alone goes and pays large amounts of money to study it in bible school.

And unless you can prove that you have also attended a bible study college then you can not possibly understand the meaning of the bible. That is puzzling. Because when it says "Sarahrah took a sharp stone and cut off her son's foreskin and waved it in front of her husbands feet so God would spare Moses's life" (In Exodus) How can you see that as anything other than child mutilation to please God. I mean how the heck could you see that and come up with, "No, that is Gods way of showing how much his Son Jesus will love you" WTF??

And that is another thing that really gets up my goat, this disowning the God of the Old Testament when it suits. I am sorry but that God is one third of the God you pray too. The same one Muslims call Allah, man, how fast they claim NO, Allah is not the same god, well kick me with an ass (not a talking one please), it is. Very clearly is.

Which kinds of takes me on a circle back to where I started this ramble, it's amazing what Christians will disregard/ignore in an attempt to believe. And Straw man arguments, are they nuts, how do they have the stupidity to use them. Though to be sure I can pick them a lot quicker now than I used to. Easily recognised by the "WTF", ""How did you get that from what I said" feeling that runs up your back just as you are about to try and back up the stupid straw man they just tore down.

Straw man is not clever, it's dumb, why can't they see that?

I could go on for ages, but I wont, it's nice to get a bit of my chest ever now and then.

I have run out of steam. I will do this again soon. Just write what ever comes to mind. This is my blog, I can say what I like, and don't need any freak-en evidence to back it up.

Thanks AK.

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